Vertu Viss

Aðsendar spurningar

1.   „Hvaða vísindalegu og lýðheilsufræðilegu rök styðja þá ákvörðun að heilbrigð börn og ungmenni, sem ekki eru í áhættuhópi vegna kórónaveirunnar, séu sprautuð með lyfjum sem engar langtímarannsóknir eru til um ?“

2.      „Hvers vegna eru barnshafandi konur sprautaðar gegn SARS-COV 2 þrátt fyrir að rannsóknir bendi til að lyfin kunni að valda fósturskaða á fyrsta þriðjungi meðgöngunnar í meira en 80% tilfella?“

3.      „Hvaða vísindi liggja að baki þeirri ákvörðun að setja einkennalaus börn í sóttkví og einangrun?“

4.      „Hvaða vísindi liggja að baki því að mótefnamælingar eru ekki gerðar áður en fólk er sprautað gegn SARS-COV 2?“

5.      „Hafa íslensk heilbrigðisyfirvöld rækt upplýsingaskyldu sína gagnvart almenningi í sama mæli og erlendar þjóðir?„

6.      „Lítur heilbrigðisráðherra svo á að upplýsts samþykkis hafi verið aflað frá öllum þeim sem sprautaðir hafa verið gegn SARS-COV 2? „

7.      „Hvernig hefur þess samþykkis verið aflað?“

8.      „Hvað skýrir margra mánaða athafnaleysi Landlæknisembættisins vegna um 2000 tilkynninga um aukaverkanir vegna sprautuherferðar gegn SARS-COV 2?“

9.      „Hefur almenningur verið varaður við því að gamlir kvillar og undirliggjandi sjúkdómar gætu tekið sig upp eftir sprautu gegn SARS-COV 2?“

10.   „Hver vegna er náttúrulegt ónæmi gegn SARS-COV 2 ekki metið að verðleikum, þótt það veiti sterkustu vörn sem völ er á?„

11.   „Ef „fullbólusettur” einstaklingur getur ennþá smitast af SARS-COV 2 og getur ennþá smitað aðra og getur ennþá veikst og mælst með jafnvel minna magn mótefna en þeir sem kusu að þiggja ekki SARS-COV 2 sprauturnar – af hverju á viðkomandi þá að þiggja fleiri sprautur?“

12.   „Hvaða vísindalegu gögn liggja að baki því að setja „óbólusetta” einstaklinga í sóttkví í 5 daga við komuna til landsins þrátt fyrir neikvætt pcr próf, á meðan “bólusettir” þurfa þess ekki?“

13.   „Hvers vegna voru 1,4 milljón skammtar af SARS-COV 2 „bóluefnum“ keyptir til viðbótar því sem þegar var búið að kaupa fyrir 360 þúsund manna þjóð?“

14.   „Hvers vegna fá þeir sem greinast jákvæðir á PCR prófi enga meðferð nema þeir þurfi spítalainnlögn, þegar fjölmargar fyrirbyggjandi, snemm- og eftirmeðferðir þekkjast gegn veikindum?”

15.   “Árangur vegna covid – 19 bólusetninga er mun slakari en talið var í byrjun og aukaverkanir mun meiri og alvarlegri, hvers vegna eru réttar tölur ekki birtar ?”

16.   “Hvenær er fólk orðið “fullbólusett”  gegn covid -19 ?”

17.   “Hvers vegna er þrýst á covid -19 bólusetningar barna þrátt fyrir að vísindin   sýni að þær dragi ekki úr smitum og séu skaðlegar?”

18.   “Er áætlað að sprauta allt niður í sex mánaða gömul börn eins og stefnan er erlendis?”

19.   “Hafa stjórnvöld áætlanir um að taka upp bóluefnapassa á Íslandi?”

20.     “Hvers vegna er/var bannað að gefa Ivermectin á Íslandi við covid – 19 og notkun þess hindruð?

21.   “Hvers vegna eru sóttvarnarlögin sett þvert á almenn mannréttindi?

22.   “Hvar eru rannsóknirnar sem íslensk stjórnvöld og þríeykið vísa í ?”

23.   “Fella neyðarlög íslensku stjórnarskrána úr gildi?”

24.   “Hvers vegna eru PCR prófin, sem ekki eru áreiðanleg, samt notuð?”

25.   “Ef illa fer, hvernig réttlætum við aðgerðaleysið fyrir börnunum okkar síðar meir ?”

26.   “Þora læknar og annað heilbrigðisstarfsfólk að stíga fram ef þau hafa efasemdir um  bólusetningar gegn covid -19 ?”

27.   “Hvers vegna voru ófrískar konur hvattar til að fara í sprautu strax í byrjun maí þegar ekki var komin reynsla á tilraunalyfin?”

28.   Hvers vegna er staða ónæmis (T- frumur og mótefni) ekki mæld til að vita hvort ónæmi sé náð, áður en ákveðið er hvort manneskja þurfi að fara í sprautu ?

29.   “Alþjóðaheilbrigðisstofnunin (WHO) og CDC reka áróður í dag fyrir grímunotkun, hinsvegar þessar stofnanir, fyrir og í byrjun faraldrar mæltu ekki með grímunotkun þar sem allar vandaðar rannsóknir sýndu að þær gerðu ekkert gagn gegn veirusmiti. Þessar stofnanir breyttu svo stefnunni án þess að ný vísindi kæmu fram sem réttlættu það. Hvers vegna er grímunotkunar krafist þrátt fyrir að Alþjóðaheilbrigðisstofnunin (WHO), CDC og fleiri geti ekki staðfest að grímunotkun hefti útbreiðslu smita?”

30.   “Hvers vegna eru óvenjumörg og skyndileg andlát eldri borgara í kjölfar bólusetninga þess hóps ekki rannsökuð ?”

31.   “Hvers vegna eru engar upplýsingar aðgengilegar um að covid-19 sprauturnar séu lyfjatilraun ?“

32.   “Hvers vegna er covid-19 flokkað sem farsótt þegar dánartölur árið 2020 eru þær sömu og  undanfarin ár?”

33.   “Hvers vegna er verið að breyta skilgreiningunni á því að vera bólusettur?”

34.   “Hvers vegna er aðeins fjallað um smit en aldrei veikindi í daglegum fréttaflutningi um pestina?”

35.   “Hvers vegna fara blaðamenn aldrei fram á heimildir þegar sóttvarnalæknir staðhæfir eitthvað ?”

36.   “Af hverju voru keyptir 1,4 milljón skammtar í viðbót fyrir 360 þúsund manna þjóð?”

37.   “Hvergi eru börn að veikjast alvarlega eða dreifa covid -19 smiti, svo hvers vegna er þeim bætt í tilraunahópinn í tilraun sem lýkur  ekki fyrr en árið 2023?”

38.   “Opinberar tölur John Hopkins háskólans sýna að covid -19 dánartölur síðustu mánaða í Ísrael hafa hækkað tífallt  eftir að byrjað var að bólusetja með þriðja skammtinum. Eru íslensk stjórnvöld að taka þessar vísbendingar um skaðsemi efnanna til greina ?”

39.   “ Er íslenskum stjórnvöldum kunnugt um þær mörgu vísindagreinar sem komið hafa út að undanförnu sem staðfesta að gaddaprótein veirunnar, það sama og tilraunaefnin láta líkamann framleiða, valdi alvarlegurstu covid-19 sjúkdómseinkennunum ?”

40.   “Í sóttvarnarlögunum sem íslensk stjórnvöld uppfærðu 4.febrúar sl. er talað um inngrip sem geti falið í sér “götun eða skurð á húð eða ísetning áhalds eða framandi efnis í líkamann” ef einstaklingur er grunaður um smit. Hverslags áhöld eða framandi efni sjá stjórnvöld fyrir sér að setja í líkama fólks sem grunað er um smit ?”

41.    “Hvers vegna vita íslensk stjórnvöld ekki nákvæmlega hver innihaldsefni tilraunaefnanna eru ?”

42.   “What causes the sickness defined as Covid-19? The answer is SARS-CoV-2. Yet no isolation of this virus is available as confirmed by the official health authorities of nearly 100 countries including the American “Center for Disease Control” (CDC) that were asked for such an isolation. That these institutions don’t have such an isolation, is also confirmed by the fact that one and a half million Euro are awarded for verifiable scientific evidence proving the existence of the novel coronavirus (

So far not one virologist worldwide could present scientific proof of the existence of the novel corona virus, including documented control experiments of all steps taken in the proof. Does Iceland have such a sample of purified SARS-CoV-2 viruses?”

43.   “Decisions by the government must be based on science. No control experiments have been made to show that SARS-CoV-2 is actually the cause for Covid-19. In such a situation where no scientific confirmed evidence exists, how are the governmental measures against Covid-19 to be justified? Which inquiries to medical experts have been made to determine possible other reasons why people get sick with the symptoms associated with Covid-19? They are not new, but existed since thousands of years in human beings.”

44.   “Dozens of studies have shown that masks do not protect from viruses and are harmful when being worn for an extensive period. The WHO and American CDC stated that masks are not effective against the pandemic. Does Iceland have studies, which proof the opposite? If not, why is the wearing of masks encouraged as solution to stop the spreading of the pandemic?”

45.   “Why is the vaccine seen as the only solution for the pandemic? Throughout the past decades the symptoms described as Covid-19 have been dealt with successfully. Why is suddenly an experimental mRNA therapy needed which has merely an emergency permission for its use? What are the advantages when in countries like Israel the majority of Covid patients has already been vaccinated twice? In the light of such a situation, should the vaccination campaign not be immediately stopped because it is shown to be totally ineffective?”

46.   “What about the adverse side effects of the vaccines against SARS-CoV-2? They are much higher during the past 8 months than all vaccines combined during the past 3 decades. The American CDC Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) database shows for the 30 years from January 1, 1991 to November 30, 2020 a total of 6,068 deaths recorded (mostly infant babies) following ALL vaccines, but as of August 27, 2021 there have been 13,911 deaths; 2,933,377 injury symptoms; 18,098 permanent disabilities, 76,160 ER visits, 56,912 hospitalizations, and 14,327 life threatening events recorded following the Covid-19 experimental therapy. How can the continuation of this method be justified in the light of such facts?”

47.   “In a recent report the European director of the WHO warned, that vaccinations cannot stop the pandemic. Why is it nevertheless pushed on adults and even children for which no real danger exists? To the contrary, Covid-19 shots given to our teenagers have caused 7-1/2 times more deaths, 15 times more disabilities, and 44 times more hospitalizations than all other FDA-approved vaccines COMBINED that these teenagers are receiving. Covid-19 shots seem to be killing and crippling teenagers in record numbers. For the age group 12 through age 19 following Covid-19 shots, 30 deaths, 173 permanent disabilities, 3575 emergency room visits, 1603 hospitalizations, and 316 life threatening events are recorded. How can the push for children to be vaccinated against Covid be justified in the light of such facts?”

48.   “The VAERS database for fetal deaths due to the flu shots reports 16 for 2020 and for 2021 so far zero. It shows 1,490 recorded foetal deaths following COVID-19 injections of pregnant women during the past 8 months. Can giving the Covid vaccine for pregnant women be justified in such a situation? (

49.   “The most vaccines have only an emergency use approval/permit. Do we have an emergency situation in Iceland which would justify an experimental therapy? Should we not wait to see the outcome of this experiment which lasts until 2023 before we include children, who are not in danger at all in the present situation? The risks for their getting damaged through the Covid vaccine is much higher than the risk of their getting seriously sick through SARS-CoV-2.”

50.   “Many studies have shown, that unvaccinated children are much more healthy than the vaccinated ones. Why is vaccination seen as the best solution, although the statistics confirm the opposite?”

51.   “By now it is clear that the Covid vaccines are not effective. The majority of Covid patients have received two shots already. Where is the proof for the effectiveness of the Covid experimental treatment?”

52.   “Freedom of Choice is a fundamental human right. Do parents have the right to decide how they want to protect their children’s health?”

53.   “90% of adverse side effect originate from 3% of the vaccination batches. Who is checking the quality of the doses?”

54.   “How is an asymptomatic conveying of SARS-CoV-2 possible, namely to convey the cause for a sickness which you do not have? The existence of this virus is not proven through isolation, much less that healthy people can make other healthy people sick. The theory of contagious diseases has never been scientifically confirmed to be valid.”

55.   “Why is the immune status (T-cells and antibodies) not checked to know whether a person is  already immune against the corona virus and thus not requiring a vaccination?”

56.   “The effectiveness of Covid vaccines is far lower than claimed and the adverse side effects much higher than widely admitted. Why are not transparent numbers officially presented? Informed decisions are only possible based on knowing the facts. Why are they not freely available in respect to the injuries through the experimental Covid therapy, called vaccine?”

57.   “The Council of Europe on human rights agreed on January 27, 2021 to the Resolution 2361 where it requests in point 7.3.1” to ensure that citizens are informed that the vaccination is NOT mandatory and that NO ONE is under political, social or other pressure to be vaccinated if they do not wish to do so.” Should this resolution not be followed and any pressure for vaccination be avoided?”

58.   “In Germany two and a half times more adverse side effects have been reported since the introduction of the Covid vaccines than during all previous 20 years together, which means nothing less than Covid injections show 20 times more harmful reactions than other vaccines ( Additionally, the death rate of Covid patients before vaccination has been 0,15%, and now it is for those who have already received one, is nearly 5%, which means that up to 30 times more patients are dying. Statistics reveal that not only multiple times more deaths but also the types of adverse side effects are much higher than with any other previous vaccination, affecting in reality all parts of the body. Why is the experiment not stopped immediately now in this situation as it was in the past after such bad results?”

59.   “Worldwide in not one country have children been shown to be spreading Covid-19. Why should they be vaccinated when they are not at all contributing to the pandemic?”

60.   “The British Joint Committee on Vaccination & Immunisation does not recommend the vaccination of children due to greatly increased cases of serious heart inflammation after getting the jab. Why does Iceland still promote the opposite?”

61.   “Official statistics by the John Hopkin University show that in Israel the number of Covid-19 death has risen during the past month more than 10-times after the 3rd vaccination doses were introduced to the population. Are such facts pointing to the harmfulness of Covid vaccines taken into account by the Icelandic government?”

62.   “A published study in the renowned New England Journal of Medicine shows that 82% of pregnant women in the first third of pregnancy lost their child after the Covid vaccination. Why is such a harmful experimental therapy given to children in Iceland?”

63.   “Reports by the WHO and the American CDC confirm that 12 to 17 year old, 3 young people have 3 times more risk getting heart inflammation after receiving a Covid vaccine, than by Covid-19 itself. Why are children put under this grave risk in this country by vaccinating them with the experimental mRNA drug?”

64.   “A study of more than 70.000 Corona cases published in February 2020 in China has shown, that 80% of them did not show any or only very mild symptoms. In this way it is clear from the very beginning that Covid-19 is not a serious threat to the health of people. Why is the government of Iceland ignoring this? Many other studies which confirm that also the mutants of SARS-CoV-2 present no real danger for the population in this country, when looking at the overall health situation?”

65.   “Why is the PCR test used to determine whether a person is a Covid case or not although its inventor, the Nobel Prize winner Kerry Mullis has emphasized that the test must not be used for diagnostic purposes because it cannot show whether it has found harm to a person or not.”

66.   “Why are there hardly any influenza patients also in countries without any measures since the corona crisis has started? According to the latest WHO data published in 2018 Influenza and Pneumonia Deaths in Iceland reached 68 or 3.51% of total deaths. How high is the percentage in 2020/21?”

67.   “What is the reason and why even after 20 months of the corona crisis no official evaluation of the various measures was made concerning their effectiveness in stopping the pandemic? Is it not the first priority and number one duty of the government to find the best possible solutions based on evidence instead of theoretical considerations?”

68.   “In numerous countries the number of actual Covid cases turned out to be much lower than originally reported. Merely 4 to 10% of the Covid deaths have actually died due to the symptoms associated with SARS-CoV-2, showing a similar mortality as influenza. How does the situation look like in this respect in Iceland?”

69.   “According to the official statistics, in Germany merely 31.000 of the 92.000 Covid deaths actually were treated in intensive care. How is it possible that more than 60.000 patients were not treated in ICUs before their death? What are the numbers in this respect in Iceland?”

70.   “Why is there the pressure from the side of the government and media to take a Covid-19 vaccine although the effectiveness is in no way guaranteed but the opposite is by now fully confirmed, that herd immunity is not reached through vaccines?”

71.   “Why can the producers of vaccines not be held accountable for the quality of their products and for grave adverse side effects which include meanwhile tens of thousands of deaths?”

72.   “The recent report by the European Medicines Agency (EudraVigilance Data) shows that the adverse side effects of Covid vaccines are more than 900.000 (one third, 300.000 severe cases!) for 2021, with an increase of 80% during the past 3 months! That number represents already half of all the side effects of the 5.000 different drugs and vaccines reported for 2020. In relation with other vaccines, the Covid vaccines have led to 16 times more deaths in comparison to the Polio vaccine and 100 times more deaths per 1 million vaccines in comparison to the Tuberculosis vaccine. How can you justify in the face of such a terrible track record the continuation of Covid vaccines in Iceland?”

73.   “Hvers vegna er starfssemi og geta Landspítalans ekki aðlöguð að samfélaginu í stað þess að samfélagið sé aðlagað að Landspítalanum?”

74.   “Er rétt að aukning á fæðingu andvana barna sé að minnsta kosti 100%, ef ekki hver er munurinn?”

75.   “Getur fyrrverandi fjármálaráðherra þjóðarinnar Bjarni Benediktsson sýnt fram á einhver gögn eða rannsóknir sem styðja þá fullyrðingu sem hann sagði í fréttum jónvarpsins að “þessi uppsveifla í jákvæðum pcr testum núna síðustu daga væri vegna fámenns hops óbólusettra?”

76.   „Hvers vegna er orðið lítilvægt  fyrir stjórnvöld og fréttamenn að búið er að tilkynna um 5500 aukaverkanir og þar af 255 alvarlegar, þegar búið var að fullyrða að hættulegra væri að fara að versla út í búð, heldur en að láta sprauta sig með C-19 sprautunum ?“

77.   „Hvers vegna er náttúrulegt ónæmi gegn C-19 ekki metið að verðleikum?“

78.   „Hvers vegna er sterkt ónæmiskerfi ekki lengur viðurkennt ?“

„Er fyrirhugað að halda áfram að sprauta okkur við C-19 þegar „bólusetningarvottorðin“  renna út á tíma ?“

80.   „Hvers vegna eru einkennalaus börn sett í sóttkví og jafnvel í einangrun ?“

81.   „Er ásættanlegt að ungar, heilbrigðar manneskjur lamist eftir C-19 sprautu ?“

82.   „Er ásættanlegt að börn fái hjartasjúkdóma eftir C-19 sprautu ?“

83.   „Er ásættanlegt að tilkynnt hefur verið til lyfjastofnunar grun um að jafnmargir hafi dáið af völdum sprautanna, og þeir sem hafi dáið úr covid.“

84.   „Er ásættanlegt að tilkynnt hefur verið til lyfjastofnunar grun um að jafnmargir hafi dáið af völdum sprautanna, og þeir sem hafi dáið úr covid.“

85.   „Geta gamlir kvillar og undirliggjandi sjúkdómar tekið sig upp eftir C-19 sprautur ?“

86.   „Hvers vegna eiga sömu lyfin og virkuðu ekki eins og til stóð í fyrri svokölluðum grunnsprautum  að virka betur í fleiri C-19 sprautum, eru til rannsóknir sem styðja það?“

87.   „Hvað er fyrirhugað að „örvunarsprauturnar“ verði margar ?“

88.   „Ef ég kýs að þiggja ekki þriðju sprautuna, missi ég þá „bólusetningarvottorðið“  á næstu mánuðum ?“

89.   „Eru komnar rannsóknir og  vissa fyrir því að sprauturnar valdi ekki ófrjósemi?
Í ljósi þess  um 2000 konur (þurfum rétta tölu ) hafa tilkynnt um breytingar á   blæðingum.“

90.   „Hvað eru aðgerðir gegn covid búnar að kosta samfélagið ?“

91.   „Er ríkið að fá styrki frá einhverjum utan Íslands í tengslum við  aðgerðir.“

92.   „Nú hefur Þórólfur sagt að Who stýri að hluta til aðgerðum, hvað hafa íslensk   stjórnvöld mikil völd í þeim málum.“

93.   „Hafa yfirvöld á íslandi spurt sig að því hversvegna Ísland, Írland og Ísrael sem eru með hæstu prósentu í sprautun á fólki  skuli vera með mestu smittölur yfir heiminn, jafnvel eftir örvunarsprautun ?“

94.   „Af hverju hræðast heilbrigðisstarfsmenn að tjá sig um afleiðingar sprautanna ?“

95.   „Af hverju skyldu erlendir læknar og hjúkrunarfólk ásamt fleirum frekar kjósa að missa   vinnuna sína en að láta sprauta sig.“

96.   „Hvar má finna rannsóknir sem styðja það að ósprautaðir séu ógn við þá sem eru sprautaðir.“

97.   „Nú er verið að undirbúa málsókn vegna alvarlegra aukaverkana , ef dómur fellur að greiða eigi skaðabætur, eru þá framleiðendur efnanna ekki skaðabótaskyldir eða er það alfarið ÍSLENSKIR ÞEGNAR SEM GREIÐA?“

98.   „Hversvegna vilja íslensk stjórnvöld ekki nýta sér reynslu annarra þjóða við að nota fyrirbyggjandi lyf og aðgerðir gegn covid ? Eru um það sérákvæði í leynisamningum lyfjafyrirtækjanna við stjórnvöld?“

99.   „Nú hafa nokkur lönd og Who ákveðið að leggja niður PC prófanir um áramót vegna ónákvæmni prófanna , hvað hyggjast íslensk stjórnvöld gera í þeim málum?“

100.“Hvers vegna  þarf að sprauta þá sem fengið hafa covid?“

101.“Hvaða máli skipta allar þessar smittölur ef fólk er  í langflestum tilvikum einkennalaust eða með mjög væg einkenni ?“



The Nuremberg Code (1947)


BRITISH MEDICAL JOURNAL No 7070 Volume 313: Page 1448, 7 December 1996.



The judgment by the war crimes tribunal at Nuremberg laid down 10 standards to which physicians must conform when carrying out experiments on human subjects in a new code that is now accepted worldwide.

This judgment established a new standard of ethical medical behaviour for the post World War II human rights era. Amongst other requirements, this document enunciates the requirement of voluntary informed consent of the human subject. The principle of voluntary informed consent protects the right of the individual to control his own body.

This code also recognizes that the risk must be weighed against the expected benefit, and that unnecessary pain and suffering must be avoided.

This code recognizes that doctors should avoid actions that injure human patients.

The principles established by this code for medical practice now have been extended into general codes of medical ethics.



The Nuremberg Code (1947)

Permissible Medical Experiments

The great weight of the evidence before us to effect that certain types of medical experiments on human beings, when kept within reasonably well-defined bounds, conform to the ethics of the medical profession generally. The protagonists of the practice of human experimentation justify their views on the basis that such experiments yield results for the good of society that are unprocurable by other methods or means of study. All agree, however, that certain basic principles must be observed in order to satisfy moral, ethical and legal concepts:

1.       The voluntary consent of the human subject is absolutely essential. This means that the person involved should have legal capacity to give consent; should be so situated as to be able to exercise free power of choice, without the intervention of any element of force, fraud, deceit, duress, overreaching, or other ulterior form of constraint or coercion; and should have sufficient knowledge and comprehension of the elements of the subject matter involved as to enable him to make an understanding and enlightened decision. This latter element requires that before the acceptance of an affirmative decision by the experimental subject there should be made known to him the nature, duration, and purpose of the experiment; the method and means by which it is to be conducted; all inconveniences and hazards reasonably to be expected; and the effects upon his health or person which may possibly come from his participation in the experiment.

The duty and responsibility for ascertaining the quality of the consent rests upon each individual who initiates, directs, or engages in the experiment. It is a personal duty and responsibility which may not be delegated to another with impunity.

2.    The experiment should be such as to yield fruitful results for the good of society, unprocurable by other methods or means of study, and not random and unnecessary in nature.

3.    The experiment should be so designed and based on the results of animal experimentation and a knowledge of the natural history of the disease or other problem under study that the anticipated results justify the performance of the experiment.

4.    The experiment should be so conducted as to avoid all unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury.

5.    No experiment should be conducted where there is an a priori reason to believe that death or disabling injury will occur; except, perhaps, in those experiments where the experimental physicians also serve as subjects.

6.    The degree of risk to be taken should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.

7.    Proper preparations should be made and adequate facilities provided to protect the experimental subject against even remote possibilities of injury, disability or death.

8.    The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified persons. The highest degree of skill and care should be required through all stages of the experiment of those who conduct or engage in the experiment.

9.    During the course of the experiment the human subject should be at liberty to bring the experiment to an end if he has reached the physical or mental state where continuation of the experiment seems to him to be impossible.

10.  During the course of the experiment the scientist in charge must be prepared to terminate the experiment at any stage, if he has probable cause to believe, in the exercise of the good faith, superior skill and careful judgment required of him, that a continuation of the experiment is likely to result in injury, disability, or death to the experimental subject. For more information see Nuremberg Doctor’s Trial, BMJ 1996;313(7070):1445-75.




Íslenska útgáfan af heitorði lækna hljómar svo:

Ég sem rita nafn mitt hér undir, lofa því og legg við drengskap minn að beita kunnáttu minni með fullri alúð og samviskusemi að láta mér ávallt annt um sjúklinga mína án manngreinarálits að gera mér far um að auka kunnáttu mína í læknafræðum að kynna mér og halda vandlega öll lög og fyrirmæli er lúta að störfum lækna.